If you want to borrow books from the Library, check their availability in the AGH University Libraries online catalogue.
Books which location is marked with "BG" are stored in the Main Library. Other locations are for branch libraries i.e. WIMiC-Biblioteka Wydziałowa. To use these resources, go to such library.
You can order books from location BG-Magazyn electronically (after logging in to your account in the AGH University Libraries online catalogue):
You can check the status of your orders on your library account in the "My Account" tab. In this tab you will also make a renewal of books.
Books can be picked up about an hour after requesting. Show your studentID/library card at the Circulation Desk.
Books with BG-Strefa Wolnego Dostępu location can be borrowed on your own. You can check the availability of books and their exact location (in the Open Stacks Area) searching the AGH University Libraries online catalogue. When using the Open Stacks Area you can search for books, take them off the shelves and borrow them by yourself. Go to self-check machine and follow the instructions on the screen.
If the book has an appendix (there is a "+CD", "+attachment", "chart", etc. next to the signature) approach the librarian on duty. Get help from the librarian also if your account is invalid or there is a lock on your account and you cannot borrow books on your own.
You are allowed to reserve a book from BG-Magazyn (i.e. call number like: II 123456) or Fiction Library when all copies are out on loan. To do this show your ID/library card to the librarian on duty and give him/her a call number of the book you want to reserve. You can also write an email to udo@bg.agh.edu.pl.
You are not able to reserve books from the Open Stacks Area.
In the AGH University Libraries online catalogue, you can check your account balance (among others: information about borrowed books and return dates). You can also renew the return dates of borrowed books on your own. Log in to your account and go to the "My Account" tab, then on the list of borrowed books select the items to be renewed and confirm with the "Prolong" button.
How many renewals you have depend on your user category. If you run out of online renewals, please present the books at the Circulation Desk and show your ID/library card. Such renewal is possible only if there are no reservations on your books made by another user and the books are not charged a holding fee.
Watch the deadlines for returning books. We charge for overdue books - 20 grosz per day per volume. The user's account is blocked after 2 weeks of exceeding the return date. You can not borrow more books and renew the borrowed ones if there are overdue items on your account and\or unpaid fees.
You can return books:
If you want to return books and borrow another at the same time, return them directly to the Circulation Desk, not to the book drop. Books returned to the book drop will be removed from the user's account no later than the next business day.
Remember the deadline for returning books. There is a fee for not returning books on time - 20 grosz per day per book. If you return the books within 14 calendar days of the designated return date, the fee will not be charged.
You will receive a confirmation of settlement with the AGH University Main Library after returning all borrowed books and settling any financial obligations.
Confirmations are issued: